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About the CD Release

Richard Wagner’s innovative exploration of the female heroine (Heldin), is presented here in a collection of his most famous arias inspired by Germanic, Norse and Celtic mythology. Wagner invented the concept of “larger than life” Helden singers for whom he composed huge, long, demanding roles for both women and men. By contrast, Richard Strauss drew his inspiration from the bible through Oscar Wilde’s diabolical satire, Salome. Strauss expanded the palette by increasing the sheer number of instrumental forces within the orchestra to fully embody the vile, sexual nature, and treachery of the female villain and her lust for manipulation and vengeance. 

Juyeon Song, hailed for her dramatic stage presence and expressivity, demonstrates her exceptional range and intensity in richly rendered characters; forceful Brunhilde, chaste daughter and faithful servant of Wotan, king of the gods; Isolde, tragic heroine in the medieval romantic story of love and death; and, Salome, the young politico-sexual powerhouse who demanded the severed head of John the Baptist, and caused King Herod to sin against God in retribution for the prophet’s rebuke of her affections. 

In this exciting new release, Ms. Song chills and thrills the listener with her capacious vocal power, emotional sensitivity and sincerity, and visceral cathexis throughout. The Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra Ostrava, led by eminent maestro Niels Muus, is superb in its balance, dynamic contrast, and dramatic realization of these magnificent scores. 


New Release: Tristan und Isolde CD release on November 20/2020

This CD is submitted to Grammy Award 2021.

Tristan & Isolde : Remarkable Tristan Recording

"The integrity and gripping power of this Tristan cannot be denied. Of course, this recording, which was made in the Penderecki Centre in Luslawice, does not reach the level of the absolute reference recordings of the opera, but it is undoubtedly one of the very good recordings (in my opinion, the top of the list is headed by Karajan-Vickers-Dernesch, Böhm-Windgassen-Nilsson, Furtwängler-Suthaus-Flagstad and Karajan-Vinay-Mödl).

We are dealing here with a quite outstanding recording, also in terms of sound."

"Juyeon Song’s Isolde is no less good: her voice may be a little tight and lack the usual timbre qualities for the role, but she is a highly dramatic singer who is completely absorbed in her role and sings a strong, passionate Isolde. You really wonder where this petite singer gets the strength to sing the demanding role with such great vocal power and expressivity."



Song’s & Reimer’s Excellent “Tristan”

Song achieves something that NO other Isolde I’ve ever heard does. She sounds frantic, a little unhinged, on the verge of a nervous breakdown—wholly appropriate to this scene, but as I said, no other Isolde sounds like this. 


Song actually interprets the words of the “Liebestod,” once again something I’ve rarely heard in the past.


New Release: HELDIN Arias of Wagner & Strauss featuring Juyeon Song, Soprano / Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava, Czech Republic / Niels Muus, Conductor

A new recording of Tristan und Isolde

The Janácek Philharmonic Orchestra stuns with a new recording of Tristan, conducted by Robert Reimer

Visit The International Association of Richard Wagner Societies Website


Heldin Arias of Wagner and Strauss

By Timothy Brown

The new CD featuring the gifted Juyeon Song "Heldin Arias of Wagner and Strauss" was such a joy to recently discover. I noticed immediately that Juyeon Song's interpretation of the works of the great romanticists Wagner and Strauss immediately pulls the listener into a magical world of seemingly effortless vocal beauty and balance along with the outstanding performers of the Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra. Her remarkable technical control projects a warm yer resonant timbre what is every bit the equal of the strenuous orchestration by Wagner and Strauss, two nineteenth century composers that defined the grand tradition of the "spinto" lyric soprano."


"One of my most favorite moments of the entire CD occurs in "Ewig war ich"  from the opera "Siegfried" by Wagner. The pureness of the libretto "Love's Peace" melded beautifully with the simplicity of the orchestration of Wagner and Ms. Song's eloquent interpretation of this unforgettable performance. This masterfully crafted CD led by the magnificent voice of Ms. Juyeon Song and conducted by the talented Viennese conductor Neils Muus is destined to find its place among the greatest recordings in "homage" to the great master composers of the nineteenth century.

Visit Timothy Brown's Website


Ian Bostridge, Elīna Garanča & Juyeon Song Lead New CD/DVD Release By Francisco Salazar"

This week audiences will get a chance to stream rarely performed works and new albums by some of the best-known artists in opera. Here is a look.


Juyeon Song’s Stunning Opera Recital

"One thing becomes quite clear, and that is that she is always a very expressive and highly dramatic interpreter. Not a word or phrase goes by that she has not worked on to project the text in a dramatic fashion, thus creating a real feeling of theatricality in everything she sings."


"In addition to her exciting singing, one must also praise the little-known conductor Niels Muus. His grasp of these scores is nothing short of miraculous; like conductor Robert Reimer in the Tristan, he grabs your attention and holds it from start to finish in each and every selection."

"Due to the brightness of her timbre, it is the kind of voice that can cut through an orchestra like a knife. No amount of massed strings, winds, and/or brass can cover her voice. Clearly impressive in everything she does."


"You will find it immeasurably thrilling. She sings from the heart as well as from the mind, and nowadays this sort of quality is exceedingly rare."

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Richard Wagners innovativer Umgang mit einer Heldin wird hier in einer Sammlung seiner berühmtesten Arien, zusammen mit der Schluss-Szene der Salome von Richard Stauss vorgestellt. 


Wagner erfand (inspiriert von germanischer, nordischer und keltischer Mythologie) das Konzept der "überlebensgroßen" Helden-Sänger und komponierte große, lange, anspruchsvolle Rollen für Frauen und Männer. Richard Strauss ließ sich im Vergleich dazu durch Oscar Wildes Drama Salome, einer biblischen Bearbeitung, inspirieren. Strauss erweiterte Wagners musikalische Palette durch ein noch größeres Orchester, um die abscheuliche Natur und den Verrat der Salome sowie ihre Lust für Manipulation und Rache vollständig zu verkörpern.


Juyeon Song, gefeiert für ihre dramatische Bühnenpräsenz und Ausdruckskraft, zeigt ihre außergewöhnliche Reichweite und Intensität in großen Rollen wie der kraftvollen Brünnhilde, keusche Tochter und treue Dienerin von Wotan, dem König der Götter; Isolde, tragische Heldin in

die mittelalterliche romantischen Geschichte von Liebe und Tod; und der oben beschriebenen Salome, die den abgetrennten Kopf von Jochanaan forderte und von König Herodes bekam.


In dieser aufregenden Neuerscheinung beeindruckt und begeistert Juyeon Song die Hörer mit ihrer großen Stimmkraft, emotionalen Sensibilität sowie der Aufrichtigkeit und Tiefe Ihrer Stimme. Das Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra Ostrava unter der Leitung des bedeutenden Maestro Niels Muus ist

hervorragend in seiner Ausgewogenheit, seinem dynamischen Kontrast und seiner dramatischen Umsetzung dieser großartigen Partituren.



"Beside her heldin Arias of Wagner & Strauss Album, Ms. Song's entire performance of Isolde from Tristan und Isolde is also submitted for Grammy Award 2021. Live Performance of this recording with Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra at the Krzysztof Penderecki European Music Centre, Poland,will be released by PARMA Recordings in November 2020, distributed through Naxos, which is also being submitted as consideration for the 2021 GRAMMY Awards."

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